Healthy Snacks Recipes For Kids.
Hello and welcome friends to Healthy tip, where u get all type of health remedies basic healthy tips at home .so, Today we will talk about some healthy snack options that you can easily take along with you at school, college or whenever you are traveling.
Now, you are already familiar with these foods. But it is all about their recipes in the right way so that your healthy snack becomes balanced and your body feels satiated. If we Take an apple for an example.If you eat one apple that might not be enough to suppress your hunger. Now, if you eat two apples that would actually be an overdose of carbohydrates.
Now, you are already familiar with these foods. But it is all about their recipes in the right way so that your healthy snack becomes balanced and your body feels satiated. If we Take an apple for an example.If you eat one apple that might not be enough to suppress your hunger. Now, if you eat two apples that would actually be an overdose of carbohydrates.
And they also are known as Phool Makhane. You can take them to your workplace every day and these are so filling, so crunchy that it feels like having popcorn. Now lotus seeds are very healthy. They are low in calories and rich in minerals. They are also high in fiber and have some amount of protein as well. They are super low in sodium. So it becomes a great snacking option for somebody who is suffering from high blood pressure. You can just roast them in a kadhai with a pinch of salt or microwave them for a few minutes, makhane are satiating in itself but if you want you can have one handful of unsalted roasted peanuts along with them.
2) Roasted chickpeas Or Bhuna chana.
Roasted chickpeas are a great source of complex carbohydrates and also have some amount of protein. Even after consuming 2 large handfuls of roasted chickpeas, you will hardly get 15 grams of carbohydrates but your stomach will be full. So you can combine them with one handful of unsalted roasted peanuts to get healthy fats and some amount of protein.
3) Fruits and Nuts.
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4) Banana peanut butter Roti.
You will need to take one whole wheat roti and apply one tablespoon of peanut butter on it. Add one banana to it and you can just roll it and eat is a very tasty, filling and nutritious snack option.
5) Carrots and cucumbers.
Not only carrots and cucumbers may not be enough to fill your stomach. So you can actually add two handfuls of roasted chickpeas and one handful of unsalted roasted peanuts along with it, You will get huge vitamins and minerals from carrots and cucumbers, carbohydrates and some amount of protein from chickpeas and healthy fats and also required an amount of protein from peanuts.
6) Boiled chana chaat.
Now, it is very easy to prepare. All you need to do is, boil the chana. Add onion, tomato, cucumbers and season it with salt, pepper, tomato ketchup, and lemon. Just mix it well and it is ready to go. You need not boil chana every day. You can boil it in bulk and store in the refrigerator for 7 days. There can be a lot of variations to this chaat. Instead of using black chana, you can even use chhole, rajma or sprouts.
7) Egg white chaat.
Replace black chana with egg whites and your egg white chaat is ready. This is a great way to get over the bland taste of egg whites. Now because egg whites are a source of lean protein so you can even add one roti to it.
8) Egg white bhurji or egg white omelett.
Now, you may have a question, that should we can take egg whites in summer, so we say, yes! They won’t cause you pimples.
So, that much is for today about healthy snacks recipes for Kids, Also we will make an article on healthy snacks for weight loss soon and hope you read this full article about snacks Recipes. Don't forget to share among your family members if you have some query's just comment us at comment box, stay Healthy And Fit, Stay Happy Thank You!
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